Those individuals who are wiling to wet a line in pursuit will be treated to fantastic fishing with a minimal expenditure of money. While you certainly can use light gear and tackle a small investment in a heavy weight pole and reel loaded with 15-20 pound monofilament will greatly increase your chances of landing a sizeable fish should you hook one. Some of the more popular lure choices involve the use of surface poppers, soft plastic sluggos and shads or bottom rigs using bloodworms, clams or bits of mackerel. During the course of the season, it is typical to employ each of these options when appropriate depending on the situation and the buzz at the local bait shop.
Tempted by the chance to land one of these delectable trophies, my brother and I are always willing to employ any legal means necessary to increase our chances of success. During the course of a fishing season, we will employ many and varied techniques to coerce fish into biting. To enforce this point, early last July my brother and I abandoned the luxury of our 16 foot Lund V-Hull and instead embraced the use of small stealthy light weight kayaks to pursue these fish.
With the tidal conditions in our favor we were able to easily traverse the river under the new bridge and paddle up the front face of fort Knox. About this time the sun broke over the horizon and pulling out cameras we started snapping pictures in an attempt to capture the magnificent oranges, vibrant yellows and mellow blues that appeared in that first low morning light. It was breathtaking and so we stopped for a quick break and to check lines. Paddling again up the shore opposite the Bucksport mill I suddenly heard a my brother yell “Fish On!”. Instantly we stated catching school size fish almost as fast as we could reel them in and release them. Between my brother and I we caught 12 fish with my brother landing one 21 inch “legal” slot fish that he also released.
In our utter excitement at catching fish we ignored our plan to paddle back to the landing before the tide turned and the return trip took a supreme effort. Our escape was made even more interesting when I snagged my lure on bottom during our escape and had to frantically cut the 20 pound test line as it spun off my reel at an alarming rate. If I had not thought to keep a knife immediately handy it is likely that all of the line would have been stripped off the reel. As we struggled to return to the landing I began to think that we may have to walk back the shore or ride the Penobscot to Winterport! In the end we did make it back to the landing and though my shoulders were certainly sore from the effort the next day I can guarantee that come next July we will be back in the kayaks touring that fishing the mighty Penobscot.
1st sentence: I think you mean striped bass rather than "stripped".