Nothing on earth will rush a man back to his boyhood so swiftly and completely as these little expeditions with his son. He’ll feel like a kid, think like a kid, and act like a kid. He can’t help it. And it will do him good. – P. 175
The normal man will love it and he’ll love his son for making it possible. The son in turn will love him for arranging it, and more nourishment will be applied to the seed. – P. 175
There is little doubt that of all the activities in the great outdoors, fishing with hook and line has the strongest appeal for the boy. It also leads, I believe, in bringing father and son together. I don’t know of a surer way of reaching a boy, of winning his friendship, love, and even admiration, than taking him fishing, whether he’s your son or the kid down the street. – P. 181
As civilization surges cruelly onward to destroy his wonderful world . . . the barefooted boy fisherman still lives in a few remote places; in a shrinking wonderland which, it seems, must finally vanish. – P. 181
As the years roll along, more and more people are turning to fishing as a potent tonic for body and mind. It is the only activity where prince and pauper walk on common ground. The fishes play no favorites. – P. 182