This November, Maine voters will be faced with a referendum asking residents to end
the three primary methods (baiting, hounding and trapping) of hunting black bears in this
state. Both sides are of course passionate about ultimately being victorious and to win are
embroiled in a battle using a combination of biological statistics and raw emotion to push
their agendas.
I wish we could spend all the time, energy and money that will be spent on “Question
One” instead working toward curing childhood diseases, improving our states educational
system or combating domestic violence but unfortunately, the Humane Society of the
United States (HSUS) has decided that for the second time in a decade, Mainers need to
raise and spend MILLIONS of dollars defending our wildlife management practices and
prove that the black bears in Maine are being treated fairly. Now don’t get me wrong,
being a Registered Maine Guide and passionate outdoors person, I certainly have a love
and appreciation for wildlife but when I visit the states rural areas and see the level
of abject poverty that exists, I wonder how an out-of-state special interest group has
managed to push our state priorities this far out of whack. It’s plain to see that HSUS
cares for wildlife but how much do they really care for their fellow man?
I realize that the folks running HSUS ”ain’t from around heah”, meaning they do not live
and work in this state and as such have a real disconnect with the people and politics of
Maine. If they were more “localized” maybe they would realize that Mainers are donating
millions of their hard earned dollars trying to save Maine’s bear hunt from going the way
of the woolly mammoth, money that could have instead been invested in our struggling
state economy. Most of the people donating are comprised of Registered Maine Guides,
sporting camp owners and non-profit organizations that operate barely above the poverty
line and often struggle to put food on the table for their families. The people unable to
give the least are once again being asked to give the most.
Now of course the state of Maine has been managing the black bear population for almost
50 years, our bear biologists are the best in the nation and with an estimated 30,000 bears
in Maine; we have one of the largest and healthiest populations of black bears in the
entire United States. Current management practices of baiting, hounding, trapping all
serve as effective means of keeping the bear population under control, so that bears aren’t
raiding garbage cans, tearing bird feeders off houses or carrying off our house pets. So
given that everything is working great and has been for decades, why is it that HSUS is
so adamant about wanting to end bear hunting in Maine? Well, in part, it is tied to the
fact that HSUS feels that hunting is an unfair, primitive and cruel practice. Their perceived agenda
is to slowly and methodically erode the tradition of hunting until it is no longer seen by
society as a viable part of our heritage. It is my personal opinion that they would also
probably love to end the consumption of red meat, animals in zoos, owning house pets
and fishing if it was in their direct power to do so . . . but I digress.
People, myself included, certainly have a disconnect with the meat they eat and when
buying a cellophane wrapped supermarket steak we often don’t take a moment to think
about the animal that gave up its life, so that we can consume its flesh. Animals die so
that we may eat and the way that commercial animals die is sometimes a brutal and
unsettling process. I don’t like to see animals suffer and I wish that every animal killed
in a slaughterhouse or shot by a hunter passed peacefully into the light . . . but that is an
unrealistic and infantile view of the world. Killing things for meat is a messy business
and NOBODY respects that more than a hunter, who must kill, butcher and eat the bear,
deer or wild turkey they take from the Maine wilds.
No matter the rhetoric and finger pointing that comes out of HSUS, hunting over bait
is not disrespectful to bear. Many other Maine animals including deer, turkey and even
coyotes are also “baited” by hunters using scents, calls, decoys and even bait piles of
meat to lure the animals into effective shooting range, so that a humane kill shot can be
attained. HSUS states that only “lazy” sportsmen hunt bear over bait and that hunting
bear over bait is against the hunters code of ethics know as “fair chase” With that line of
thinking, I assume an argument could be raised that compound bows, rifle scopes, range
finders and high caliber rifles are also considered “lazy” and against the hunters sacred
creed of “fair chase” or the ethical pursuit of game. Maybe to be completely fair, we
should all hunt naked and with pointy sticks?
I have hunted bear for over 5 years and during that time invested over 30 days in
pursuit of black bears over bait. During those many evenings spent sitting in my tree stand staring through the dense woodlands at a small pile of oats and molasses, I was fortunate
enough to see 5 black bears. The first bear I saw, I estimated to weigh 125 pounds. Bears
are notoriously hard to estimate weight but because I was hunting over bait, I was able
to study the bear for almost 15 minutes before ultimately deciding it was a small bear
and not in the size class I was looking to harvest. The second, third and fourth bear I saw
was a large sow with two cubs. While the sow was well over 200 pounds it was easy
for me to identify it was with cubs because of my high perch in a nearby tree and their
distraction caused by the pile of bait. Had I been still hunting and needed to make a quick
identification and shot, I wonder if I would have been able to determine the sow had
cubs before shooting. The last bear I saw was well over 300 pounds. As the monsterous
bruin ambled out of the woods, I raised my rifle and upon looking through the scope
noted that the available light did not allow me to place the cross hairs precisely on the
bear’s vitals, ensuring a humane shot and quick death. I let that bear pass as well as the others, because
as hunters we all have a code of ethics that we use to judge and control our actions. This
code of ethics operates on an even stricter limit than what is allowed by the law and is
driven by our love of the Maine wilderness and the animals that inhabit it.
Bait sites are not the tool of lazy hunters they are the tool of law abiding, highly ethical
hunters who know that in order to properly identify and harvest adult bears humanely,
hunters need time to study and examine the animal they plan to shoot. In Maine’s dense
woodlands, this level of study and examination is not just difficult when still hunting bears, it is practically
I wish HSUS would leave us Mainers alone, we aren’t a bunch of dumb rednecks that
need to have the management of our state run by outsiders with no understanding
of our state priorities. It would be my hope that in another decade I am not AGAIN
watching my fellow Mainers spend millions of dollars funding yet another campaign to
defend our bear hunting practices, instead I hope that money goes to supporting much
more important state matters.