Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Outdoor Treasure Hunt - Part I

Outdoor Treasure Hunt and Macro Photography Practice

In order to foster a love of the outdoors in my lil one, I have been introducing him to all living things big and small. Our new weekend adventure involves searching around the yard for interesting flowers, reptiles, amphibians, bugs, etc. and then taking photographs. These digital "treasurers" are taken back inside where they are loaded on the computer. We then work together to identify the flora and fauna and share with Momma what we have "virtually" captured. So far it has been a blast and he has really taken to the game. In addition, it is a great chance for me to practice my macro photography which I have always found challenging.

Here are a few of our favorite photos:


  1. Thanks V! They were all taken with my old Sony “Cybershot” DSC-W5 (5.1 MP). Hope to someday soon graduate to the Rebel.

    I have done a fair amount of rock climbing in Acadia and used to work there during the Summers so am intimately familiar with the entire area. Would be interested in hearing what you climbed?

    Yes, very fortunate. I have done a fair amount of traveling over the years but my heart always leads me back to Maine.

  2. sweet dang buddy those are some fantastic shots.what kind of frog is that?

  3. TBD,

    Thanks man! I believe it is the Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens). More on this frog at:


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