Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beginner Taxidermy Projects

Proof that Some Taxidermists Have a Twisted Sense of Humor!
Before diving in with both feet and investing in a taxidermist project that turns out to not necessarily be what you wanted or anticipated. Below is a collection of simple beginner taxidermy projects that are easy and fun for all ability levels. Test the matrimonial waters, by putting one of these up on your wall or on a bookshelf and see what the wife says!
If you graduate from these projects, pass the inspection of the wife and are looking to explore the option of getting a game animal professionally mounted, make sure to read the following articles before making the final decision.

Choosing a Taxidermist:
Short but Simple -
Long but Excellent -


  1. Japanese fish prints! the things you learn by reading blogs. Excellent! I just had no idea.


  2. SB, I learned about them a few years back in a sporting magazine. Do a web search to see some of the various pieces of work with practice you can create some masterful pieces.

    Hmmmm, I am thinking future blog post?!?!

  3. Defiantly - you go first though - I'm terrible at catching fish. Good at buying fishing equipment, terrible at catching fish


  4. SB, I just did a Google image search for Japanese fish prints and was amazed by what is possible. I am definitely going to have to try it.


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