Well let me just sit back with a cup of coffee here at camp and tell you my BEAR hunting story. This is my second year chasing Ursus americanus and let me tell you the bears are seriously winning! I honestly tried hard not to get my hopes up this year as early reports were showing very few bears being harvested and those that were taken most were 150-165 pounds or MUCH smaller. A huge production year of blackberries, acorns and beech nuts were keeping the bears fat and happy and well away from the "baits". I managed to find the time in my busy schedule to hunt 4 total nights for the black bruins and despite my better judgement my excitement was running high. Of the 4 nights the second night was perhaps the most interesting with 2 coyotes walking by me at 10 yards, a 8 point buck running through and lastly mister bear paying me a visit about 20 minutes after legal shooting. I like to think of myself as an ethical Sportsman but let me tell you that after not even seeing a bear last year I was VERY tempted to pull the trigger. Fortunately, common sense reigned and as my heart rate died back down I realized immediately I had done the right thing. My last two nights slid silently past with only the red squirrels to keep me company and as the sun set on the last day I was once again bear-less.
Eventually persistence, patience and consistency will all come together for me and I will undoubtedly shoot a massive black bear and at that time I will realize that all my waiting paid off big time! I plan to write an article for the Maine Sportsman (a follow-up to "Bear Hunt Taken To the Extreme" submitted last season) about this latest attempt at bear hunting and if accepted should be out sometime next August . . . wish me luck!
My apologies to MFM, DEDH and CG I inadvertently deleted this post earlier this morning as well as all of the comments . . . I have no idea how . . .
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments and positive vibes. Nothing truly worth achieving ever comes easy so I will be back chasing the black bear next season!
CG - I just came across your blog through Living the road less traveled. I cannot wait to show my husband, John. We to are from Maine and John is a passionate outdoors man and he lives for hunting. My dad lives in Greenville so we frequent the great north woods from time to time. I'm sure he'll be peeping in at your blog over the weekend. Take care!
CG, Excellent, tell him to stop by and post a hello always great to meet fellow Mainahs . . . err and I suppose the rest of you all are ok as well! :)
Take Care, RO
MFM - Good luck on the article! I am proud of you for doing the right thing... wow it must have been hard not to shoot that bear!!!!
MFM, Thanks! People do funny things when their adrenaline is pumping and all they see is "red". It is the responsible Sportsman that takes control of these functions and uses them to their advantage. Of course this is always much harder to do then say! :)
DEDH - Too bad about your unfortunate luck, however I forecast great things coming your way on October 1st!!! And judging by the emails and phone calls, you are going to be hunting with Maine's most desired duckman...
I can't wait for the waterfowl opener . . . already told work I have an appointment with Dr. Aflac!
But how ever will they play hockey if you shoot them?
ReplyDeleteOh.. not that black bear?
You'll get your bear. And I'm sure it'll be worth it when you do.
Yeah, I figure I an young (well in a relative sense anyway) and can wait for the perfect opportunity!
ReplyDeleteMy cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!