Friday, February 18, 2011

Taking a Kid Fishing Yields Happy Memories

Fishing and kids seem to go together better than helpless women and railroad tracks. It is one of those activities that youngster’s just pick-up easily and enjoy naturally, without any added pressure or encouragement. Put a fishing pole in the hands of a child and watch a strange transformation occur. Eyes glazed from watching too much TV are awakened, tongues wag no stop from exhilaration and little legs and arms vibrate with the excitement and anticipation of a possible catch. Even the most bored and despondent kids, will be transformed into industrious sportsmen in training, as their inquisitive minds attempt to unravel all of the mysteries of the fishing sport. As they delve deeper they will eventually come to realize that all aspects of “fishing” simply cannot be learned in a lifetime. Perhaps this is part of the attraction, the sport of fishing can be as complicated OR as simple as one desires. It need be no more complicated (unless one chooses) than a simple stick, line, hook and worm. It is a sport of the rich and poor alike and each has an equal chance of scoring a true personal trophy.

It is certainly no secret that fishing is a meditative and therapeutic endeavor.  The act of wetting a line on a lazy afternoon is even better than the strongest medication in relaxing frayed nerves. In this hectic, stressful, fast passed world in which we live, are we doing our children a disservice not providing them with an introduction to these skills? If you have children take them out fishing! If you need assistance you need look no further than your local bait shop and closest stream. If you are looking for a more involved adventure, think about securing the services of a registered Maine guide . . . the little money you spend will make for a lifetime of happy memories.

For More On Fishing With Kids Check Out These Posts:

1. Hook Kids Into Fishing – Introduction

2. Hook Kids Into Fishing – Hooks and Lures

3. Hook Kids Into Fishing – Putting It All Together

4. Hook Kids Into Fishing – What If We Catch Something

6. Lil Man Catches First Fish


  1. Did you measure the centripetal acceleration of the flag once sprung as it would fly by your son as it made it's run to vertical over horizontal???

  2. DDH, Why must you be so hyper analytical? :)

  3. Huh?..BTW..You guys have a great time on the lake this week..I hope to bump into you at the Famass Guide's home this weekend to hear all about it..AND..I want you to know well in advance that we will be descending at Hazelwood's on Grand Lake the week of July 2-9 ..Come and enjoy our campfire with all the accoutrements (that's French for music (compliments of M. Bailey, Pa and Famass), beverages (compliments of everybody) and food (set up by the world renowned camping chef, R. Bailey) and more.. By the way..there's a great beach for kids if you'd like to bring one or more and come early.

  4. Saw your pike on your Twitter feed. VERY nice fish! Take it easy on my Buddy Downeast this week!

  5. Penbay, missed ya in Grand Lake. Perhaps Spring fishing?

    Trey . . . it was a MONSTAH! Duckman was abused non-stop all weekend. :)


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