UPDATE: After much wining and groveling, I was informed by a fellow blogger I had a grace period to renew my URL and that I should be able to quite easily re-secure www.themaineoutdoorsman.com. As I looked into this it turned out to be true and I was able to repurchase my old site and redirect www.themaineoutdoorsman.blogspot.com. Now, both URLs will direct you to my blog! One bad point is that I inadvertently deleted my old feedburner account to www.themaineoutdoorsman.com and reinstituted one at www.themaineoutdoorsman.blogspot.com. IF you were signed up for the old feedburner account please adjust your feed readers appropriately. If anyone know of a fix for this that I am missing like re-starting the old feed please tell me how and I would be happy to start up the old feed as well.
If you are reading this I am extremely happy you managed to find me. I apologize to my followers and anyone who was linked to my previous web address at www.themaineoutdoorsman.com for the confusion and would like to offer an explanation. At approximately 9:00 AM on Saturday, I lost my previous URL to my own stupidity. Not realizing that my purchase of the site URL was about to expire, I forgot to pay the fee to the hosting company and lost my rights to use that address. Within a matter of an hour another individual purchased my previous URL and I lost it. To say I was upset would be an understatement, as I feel that over the past several years I had established myself at themaineoutdoorsman.com. I certainly don’t blame the person who now owns the URL, as it was completely my fault.
I feel it will take a long time to reestablish myself at www.themaineoutdoorsman.blogspot.com and I ask that everyone please update their websites, blogs and bookmarks to reflect this change. I enjoy blogging as a hobby and value all of the comments and friendships I have been fortunate to make within my readership and the blogosphere as a whole. I realize it is not the end of the world but the whole situation has me deeply saddened and I am sorry if my mess up has caused anyone issue.
I started this endeavor as way to strengthen my writing and encourage me to write more. Having you reading my posts and commenting that they were enjoyed, made you laugh or that you found the information helpful is something I have thoroughly enjoy over the past several years. I give a lot of credit to each and everyone of my readers, as without you I would likely lack the devotion it takes to maintain the blog.
Thank you for reading and lending me your ear,
Steve (AKA The Rabid Outdoorsman)
I was wondering what in the h... was going on..After cliking on you in my favorites I got some blond chick smiling at me..Nice..but not Rabid..so you got Binged..Googled..and Yahoo'd and finally I managed to find you..stay on top of things from now on, will ya?
ReplyDeleteWill try my friend will try. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm still reading you at
ReplyDeleteI managed to rebuy (last night) the site and institute a band aid. I hope it works. Still trying to redirect feed burner and some of the other apps.
I still get RSS notification if that's any help
ReplyDeleteYes, helpful to know. I screwed that up during the re-org of the site. Glad to see the RSS is still functioning. Please drop me a note if you see anything else funky!