I am just coming off a week long deer hunting bender. Early mornings and late evenings have me physically exhausted but mentally refreshed. My head hurts, lips are badly chapped and back feels like it should if I was a man twice my age BUT I am still excited to get back into the woods on Veterans Day.
It was an interesting opener with my neighbor elated about shooting his first deer and does constantly moving through the area with reckless abandon. I had several shot opportunities on does but do not carry the mandatory doe tag. Of course that has been a benefit this year, as I had wanted to shoot a deer I could mount and then take to the taxidermist. LOL!
Last week, central Maine saw its first tracking snow (4-inches) in more than 10 years during rifle season. Deer hunters across the state proceeded to make every excuse possible to call in sick to work. Not a single access road, in all of central Maine, didn’t have a vehicle or two parked at its opening. Unfortunately, with all of the hunters in the woods the deer shutdown and I was only able to find one single track all day. The big boys seemed to disappear, knowing something was amiss and evacuating to all the good hiding places.
Sitting here Sunday afternoon, I still note the slight odor of doe urine. Perhaps its just my imagination or perhaps I really do reek! Need to wash clothes and reorganize so I can get back out there next week . . . take care, shoot straight and be safe!
Stink yourself up good and by all means don't stop til get your buck! Best of luck.