Friday, November 27, 2009

How to improve your Blogging

The following is a little break from my normal outdoor writing to make a few blogging suggestions. Some of these ideas I have implemented while others are works in progress. I am certainly no expert, so please comment, critique and add to the list as it would be informative to see what other think.

1. Run Google Analytics to see who is accessing your blog, when and through what means
2. Drop the .blogspot by registering your URL at for 10 bucks a year
3. Add the "search" application to your blog
4. Make sure that when taking photos that you fill the frame, maximize use of available light and put them in focus.
5. Add an email address to your profile (hotmail, yahoomail, etc.) for personal messages, questions, etc.
6. Respond to comments
7. Write a minimum three to four times a week to your blog
8. Write from your heart or on your passion(s)
9. Include a photo with all suitable posts
10. When commenting on other blog articles check the box that sends automatic updates to your e-mail
11. Turn off word verification
12. Turn on the ability to post anonymously
13. If you do 11 and 12, turn on "approve all posts"
14. Join online networks
15. Search for and add others with similar interests to your blogroll
16. Comment more even if it means you personally post less
17. Don't use or use less ads
18. Twitter your blog updates to others
19. Connect Facebook to your blog
20. Change your profile pic at least a few times a year
21. Check out the new post editor

If anyone has questions on any of these listings drop a comment and I will be sure to clarify. Take care and happy hunting!


  1. I enjoyed reading the list and actually made a couple changes according to your list, so thanks.

  2. Great! Glad it gave you a few ideas!

  3. Great set of suggestions. Have already adopted a few.

  4. I need to figure out how to link my blog to Facebook. Thanks for the insight, and th comments on my blog too!

  5. Norseman,
    You can always include a link on your FB page that directs your "friends" to your blog.However what I was exploring was the ability FB has to create an application that fits nicely on the blog sidebar and direct your readership to FB. Kinda like creating a blog profile on steroids. Going to explore it more . . .

    You have a great blog! I always enjoy reading.

  6. Rick and PrPark,
    If you get a chance I would be interested in hearing what suggestions you adopted and found most helpful. Thanks!

  7. very good suggestions, thanks

  8. Number 8. Forgot... in these days of major transitions- just why it is I write. Stumbled in here yesterday and by golly if it didn't ring the bell till today, this morning on my 2 year anniversary. You got me thinking...thank you. You Mainers are a wondrous bunch, provoking too. Please carry on and visit my blog today...I've come up with a win win situation for blogging, and celebrating and as always wondering what might just come of a heartfelt plea. Take care-

  9. Very nice blog! it's a looking beautiful template web template

  10. Truewonder, Stopped by your blog quickly the other day but my time hasn't allowed me to take a good look . . . will visit again soon. Congrats on your anniversary!

  11. Very helpful, thanks much!

  12. I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our lives, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes cheaper, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] DS SysBro)


Thanks for posting a comment. Your thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated!

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